搜索 Chutima

  • Four teenage schoolgirls - Bee, Tum, Nui and Tim - have been friends for a long time, and have sworn to be true to one another forever. Their relationship is as colorful and lively as they are, and they feel nothing can tear them apart. This proves to be not so permanent when one day, Tum meets a teenage boy called Dae…
  • 这是一个人跟鳄鱼相恋的故事……泰国传说中,鳄鱼 经修练后变为人形,渗入人类社会生活…… 猎鳄高手加拉当有一秘密,就是他乃人与鳄鱼交配所生,他在陆上和水中都行动自如。他对北村村长的女儿棠儿一见锺情,定要娶他为妻。鳄鱼中的霸王查拉旺身型巨硕,力大无穷,喜以人类作点心,肆虐湄公河两岸,见棠儿天生丽质,将棠儿掳走。为救心上人,加…
  • 苏妮爱上了有夫之妇--蔡,在一场纠纷中,苏妮在和蔡妻的打斗中不慎掉到楼下,蔡和老婆用圣刺将奄奄一息的苏妮的嘴巴缝上了七针,埋在树下.25年后,东恩和新婚妻子慕珂来到当时的事发地度假,苏妮得不到投生的灵魂出来了,慕珂和东恩将要经受一场灾难......