- Which of the great primates of 25 million years ago is our common ancestor? Is it pierolapithecus? In this CuriosityStream original film, follow the journey of primates, developing into homo erectus and then to homo sapiens, through millions of years of evolution and thousands of miles of migrations 央视译制版 分两集 1集约40分钟
- 离开30年后,布莱克医生(CraigMcLachlan饰)回到故乡,接管亡父的诊所,随之而来的还有父亲警局顾问的职责。淘金热过后的1959年,澳洲熏天财富已消散,在繁华依旧的表象之下,隐藏了欺骗和谋杀。布莱克医生一边重新适应家乡生活,一边开始协助警局破解迷案。