搜索 Clinch

  • Alan Brown uses divine powers of precognition to foresee the fate of mankind... and breakfast. Meanwhile, Wendy has had enough of being married to 'the next step in cognitive evolution".
  • 究竟是哪里疼呢?从出生那一刻到最后离开这个世界,我们总在经历着疼痛。我们毕生都在努力避免它,但是疼痛却是我们生存的关键因素。该片借助遗传学、最新的扫描技术、虚拟现实技术和催眠术,为我们解开一些疼痛背后的奥秘。让我们一起了解为什么有些人觉得比其他人更痛,而有些人却根本不知道疼痛为何物,本片带我们共同发现为什么情绪和想法可…
  • 2006年Pearl Jam在意大利举行了巡回演唱。之后与他们随行的摄像师Danny Clinch就根据他们的这些演唱会的现场录像,后台的准备筹划,以及一些评论制作了一DVD,就是我们今天将看到的..通过本片,我们再次感受一下Pearl Jam的巨大威力。曲目:1. Severed Hand2. World Wide Suicide3. Life Wasted4. Corduroy5.…
  • Where The Light Is: John Mayer Live in Los Angeles captures the multi-Grammy® Award-winning, Platinum-selling singer/songwriter in the element where fans love him the most: live on stage. This special concert includes three sets: an acoust…
  • Concert film centering on the rock band Pearl Jam's August 2016 shows at Chicago's Wrigley Field.
  • U Klinču
    THE CLINCH is a coming-of-age series about real adolescence, about moments in life when young people on the threshold of adulthood complete high school and become university students or find jobs, and start to fulfil or become disappointed with their ambitions. It is a period when life starts slapping us down and we mu…