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  • Wallace is an efficiency expert, managing the high-profile downsizing of a major auto parts factory. But when he is hired to evaluate a small moccasin factory which seems from another era, Wallace has to reconsider the rapid modernization he advocates, as he is confronted by the human faces such plans hurt.
  • Against the backdrop of a bleak Northern England town in the 1950s, an unlikely love story unfolds. "Between two women" is the intelligent and moving story of a tough, wizened working-class heroine, Ellen Hardy (Barbara Marten). When she meets her son's lively and colourful teacher, Kathy (Andrina Carroll) a …
  • 电影生活
  • E Ridendo l'Uccise is the fifth collaboration between director Florestano Vancini and composer Ennio Morricone (and the first since 1993's Piazza di Spagno). With its baroque stylings, ever-present harpsichord and occasional flurries from recorder, piccolo trumpet and choir, the score has a passing similarity to one of…
  • Two strangers meet when they both miss their trains, and end up spending a penniless day and night together. An English version of 'It Happened One Night'
  • Raqs媒体小组的多样实践囊括了装置、雕塑、录像、表演、文本、词典编纂和策展,其创作位于当代艺术、哲学思辨与历史探究的交汇点。《坠入时间锥的自行车手》游移于事实与虚构之间,徘徊在1980年:沐浴在曙光暮辉之中,充满变幻的一年。这部影像拍摄于新德里的腹地——在荒野之间,在他处的边界——Raqs媒体小组通过存在于过去与当下之间的图像、…
  • 主人公Mark玩兵人原本只是为了治疗心理创伤,没曾想玩起来便不可自拔。他活生生地建了一个小镇,里面的人偶都来自周围的朋友化身。他给这个小镇写了很多的小故事。有欢乐,有痛苦,嫉妒和复仇。马克的故事偶然被一个摄影师发现,于是便为他安排了在纽约的展览。马克既兴奋又恐惧,因为他已太久未离开自己的异想小镇了......
  • 被世界遺忘是什麼感覺?在2021年緬甸發生軍事政變後,這些年輕人以電影日記的方式,透過螢幕與世界交流。