- There's more to making matches than finding people with common interests and getting them together. This new series follows Patti Novak, owner of a dating service in Buffalo, N.Y., who's not afraid to tell clients just what they need to do to become more successful date bait -- whether it's improving their table manner…
- A drama series set at an American base during the Vietnam War. Rather than focusing on the battle scenes that made up most other portrayals of the war, this show looked at the everyday lives of the people sent to serve their country. The doctors, nurses, soldiers and even USO entertainers stationed at the base must try…
- 我々の歴史とはまったく違う時間軸に位置する異世界《戦国世界》。そこでは名前以外は容姿も経歴も、そして性別すらも異にする戦国武将たちが覇を競い合っていた。だが、ある日突然、小悪魔王と称されていた織田信長をはじめ、多数の戦国武将たち――さらには異世界の文化人や剣豪までも――が、なぜか現代へと飛ばされてしまう。自動車、携帯電…