- Set in Manhattan, this delightfully witty primetime serial focused on the cut-throat worlds of modeling and cosmetic. Storylines centered around acid-tongued modeling executive Racine, who held fief over the careers of young models Laurie Caswell and Taryn Blake, and cosmetics tycoon Grant Harper.
- The Hotel Splendide is on a remote and cold island, accessible only by a once-a-month ferry. It's a dark and dreary spa created by the late Dame Blanche, whose grown children now run the hotel according to her specificiations, serving up ghastly seaweed and fish-based food and enema treatments. Kath, once the sous chef…
- 金发少女维洛妮克(Nicole Berger 饰)与同住一个宿舍的堂妹夏洛特(Anne Collette 饰)约会,在户外遇见健谈的男子帕特里克(Jean-Claude Brialy 饰)。维洛妮克起先对帕特里克的搭讪无动于衷,但在他的死缠烂打的攻势下终于同意和他喝茶聊天。两人的相处十分愉快,并相约次日9点约会。刚和维洛妮克周旋完毕的帕特里克偶遇夏洛特,便立刻像闻见…