搜索 Colley

  • Mrs. Bradley is asked by Insp. Henry Christmas to help investigate the murder of a member of a traveling circus. The woman, who appeared as the human target in the knife throwing act, was stabbed to death and stumbled onto the stage. The police soon arrest the knife thrower but Mrs. Bradley isn't convinced they've got …
  • 莎莫在汽車事故中倖存下來卻失去記憶,但腦海中卻開始浮現尚未發生的綁架和謀殺片段,混亂的記憶所帶來的不安,讓她無法信任周遭的人,一段遺失的記憶更讓莎莫成為被追殺的標靶。
  • 深夜一通电话惊醒了安娜。传来一个令所有父母惊恐的消息:她20岁的儿子,奥古斯特,从高楼上坠落下来了。安娜苦苦寻找儿子死因背后的隐情。她来到了事发的城市,必须解开奥古斯特生活的谜团,一点点收集导致这个残忍结局的线索。警察断定奥古斯特之死属于自杀,并送来安慰和慰问。始终无法接受她独子的离去,她努力克服对儿子疏远的愧疚感并住进…
  • Kandia, an African women in her fifties who has lived in Sweden for 30 years, decides to move back to Gambia. Her son Ibbe, who dreams of a career in hip hop and is about to make a breakthrough, goes with her. Their encounter with their homeland, however, doesn't turn out the way they imagined. A warm, broad drama come…
  • A young girl's life is turned upside down when she is abducted and forced into the world of human trafficking. The next 24 hours will transform her into a ruthless killer with only one thing on her mind, brutal revenge.
  • What if you could zap yourself from your boring rainy humdrum life in a strict boarding school in Ireland, to a sun-drenched beach resort in Australia whenever you felt like it? Or if you had enough of the sunshine in Australia, you could simply choose to go through a door which came out in a totally different world in…
  • 电影动作
  • 杀无赦第二季
    该剧描述一个普通男人(丈夫、父亲、律师)一天早晨醒来后突然发现家门口有一个盒子,盒子里装着一把枪、一张陌生人的照片和一条指示他杀死此人的命令——他必须在三天之内完成任务。该剧在索尼的数字平台Crackle上播出。本剧已获得第二季预订,即将于2013年12月份播出,第二季中将有来自《篮球兄弟》(One Tree Hill)的Chad Michae…