- A hen has taken up residence in Pluto's doghouse and laid her eggs. She steps out; Pluto comes home and the eggs all hatch, and the chicks take Pluto for mommy and won't let go. Then a grasshopper comes along, and all the chicks chase after it. Pluto tries to sneak off, but the chick that swallowed the hopper comes hop…
- 白雪公主原本是世界上最幸福的人,可惜当她母后逝去,父王娶了她继母后,这一切都改变了。恶毒的继母处处为难白雪公主,当她父王也死后,白雪公主过得更艰难了。这天,皇后从魔镜中得知世上最美的人不是自己而是白雪公主后,气急败坏的她下令武士将她带到森林处决了,好心的武士放走了白雪公主。夜晚,森林里的七个小矮人收留了无家可归的白雪公…