搜索 Congdon

  • Miss Fox is a wealthy widow who lives alone with her dog, Vanessa. She has an arrangement with one of the building employees, Eddie McMahon, to walk Vanessa but when he asks her for a $50 loan, she refuses. When she walks Vanessa on Eddie's day off, she is mugged and is robbed of her wedding ring. She identifies Eddie …
  • 本片讲述来自纽约下层的少年“恶棍”William Bonney在西部闯荡的故事。这也是第一次把这个被称作“Billy the Kid”传奇的古怪青年暴徒的故事搬上大银幕。
  • 一位科学家在一次试验中,发现用脑波可以使一只铅笔穿透铜板,不过,他的实验室在一次大火中毁灭,这位科学家不得不投靠他的哥哥。他的哥哥也在进行着另一项实验,他发现重新组合原子结构可以产生巨大能量。他与弟弟合作,利用弟弟的脑波和实验心得,改变任何物质结构,形成“四度空间人”。  不过,“四度空间人”使用一次均会失去时间而老化…
  • Women Behind the Wheel
    Cat and Hannah, two British women in their twenties, take on the gruelling 3000km drive along Central Asia's Pamir Highway - the second highest international road on Earth. It runs from southern Uzbek deserts, through Tajikistan's Pamir mountain range, climbing over 4600m, into Kyrgyzstan and all the way to its vibrant…