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  • 伊斯顿的文章是一部科幻悬疑电影。
  • 电影
    In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris' tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each …
  • 乔丹在大学里是出了名的游泳健将,过着非常自律的生活。乔丹的舍友卢卡斯是一名同性恋者,她常常会带乔丹前往女同志酒吧聚会,这让乔丹对这一特殊的群体开始产生了好奇。乔丹在大学里参加了一项研究计划,在此期间邂逅了名为安吉的助教,安吉身上散发的知性与魅力深深的吸引了乔丹。然而,安吉已经名花有主了,她正在和乔丹的大学教授谈恋爱。最…
  • 电影剧情
  • A gay man living in a genetically modified society is given the chance to alter his sexuality. He must weigh his loving relationship, his dignity and his survival in this short film about the origins of sexuality.
  • 这是一场为庆祝音乐剧《剧院魅影》成功上演25周年的特别演出,地点在英国伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall)。活动于2011年10月1日晚、次日下午和晚上,一共进行了3场声势浩大的演出,为到场的音乐剧迷们奉献了一次震撼人心的视听盛宴。演出同时,其 实况录像也在英美的大银幕上映。阵容方面,伊朗裔加拿大音乐剧男演员Ramin …
  • 电影动作
  • Led by an incompetent Lieutenant, a troop of soldiers is on the Tomahawk Trail in Apache territory. When he lets the Indians steal their horses and gets slightly wounded in a skirmish, Sergeant McCoy takes over command. McCoy sucessfully gets them to the fort only to find all the soldiers have meen murdered by the Apac…
  • 电影剧情
    片讲述了Casper和Dominic这两位最好的朋友,彼此非常信任对方.在缅因州一个农业小镇里,他俩随着年龄的增长走向了不同的路,在丰收季,Casper开始在墨西哥边界与其"父亲"Clayton走私毒品. 与此同时,Dominic正在忙碌着丰收土豆,仅为赚更多钱买一辆车将自己带向更美好的未来.但随着Casper的生活逐渐暴露出真相之后,他们的友谊和忠诚…