- The story of Casey Connor, a young girl who struggles to raise her kid sister after their parents death and works to become a superstar DJ in New York.
- From the Universal press book: "Cheyenne Harry", owner of the biggest cattle ranch in his corner of the west, is having trouble with John Merritt, a land-grabbing Chicago meat-packer. By some artifice of shrewd legal aid, Merritt manages to seize Harry's ranch under a bogus writ of foreclosure. Failing to get…
- Featuring: Graham Agassiz, Gee Atherton, Adam Billinghurst, Matt Hunter, Cam McCaul, Anthony Messere, Brandon Semenuk, Wade Simmons, Andrew Shandro, Rene Wildhaber and Thomas Vanderham. With appearances from: Rachel Atherton, Steve Smith, Aaron Gwin, Ryan Howard, Tracy Moseley, Tyler McCaul, Steve Peat, Greg Watts and …
- For centuries we have dreamt of reaching the centre of the Earth. Now scientists are uncovering a bizarre and alien world that lies 4,000 miles beneath our feet, unlike anything we know on the surface. It is a planet buried within the planet we know, where storms rage within a sea of white-hot metal and a giant forest …