- Meet the Queen of the South Seas. A sexually voracious goddess, she lures young men to her castle and, if they fail to satisfy her demands, kills them faster than you can say 'vagina dentata', leaving her handmaidens to dispose of the castrated remains…One night the Queen meets her match. Her priapic suitor snatches th…
- 南侠展昭(林炜 饰)获封“御猫”,五鼠之锦毛鼠白玉堂(李志希 饰)内心不服,潜入皇宫向展昭挑战,结果虽中伏仍全身而退。皇帝有感白玉堂武功高强气概过人,赦免其罪,包拯有心收复五鼠,令他们为朝廷效力,遂派遣展昭远赴陷空岛拜访。另一方面,回到陷空岛的白玉堂被四个义兄:飞天鼠卢方、彻地鼠韩彰(郑浩南 饰)、穿山鼠徐庆(方中信 饰)…