搜索 Constantino

  • EDEN deals with what could possible be a future for most people caught up in the current economic climate in Ireland and how we have taken a bite of the financial apple and borrowed beyond our means. We follow Adam who has been left unemployed and homeless throughout one of his days on the streets and the people and si…
  • 电影剧情
    顿巴斯,乌克兰内战,一系列的黑色故事正围绕着“路”这个意象上演。安全舒适区被挤压得荡然无存,也无法透过重重迷雾看透世事。当众生都囿于如此混乱困境,有人却成功凌驾于他人之上。弱者不弱,若有武器在手——既然已看不到明天,就不能当待宰的羔羊… 沉浸于戏剧和电视领域创作多年后,导演沃洛日比特首执电影导筒,将其擅长的体裁以“准纪…
  • An experimental super8 film shot in 1982. Total length about 20 minutes. It was awarded special mention award in the 1983 Barcelona Biennale.
  • The pain is back! Eight years after hitting the WWE with F-5 fury, Brock Lesnar has returned to deliver destruction to the WWE Universe for a second time. Brock Lesnar Here Comes the Pain! Collectors' Edition features the original documentary recounting the devastation wrought by Lesnar's first run in WWE.
  • 故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,彼时,邪恶的德国纳粹攻占了法国,玛格丽特(梅兰尼·蒂埃里 Mélanie Thierry 饰)是一名作家,和丈夫罗伯特(班哲明·比欧雷 Benjamin Biolay 饰)一起,两人共同加入了一个抵抗纳粹的抗战组织。1944年,罗伯特遭到了警察的逮捕,从此消失在了玛格丽特的生活中,玛格丽特想尽了一切方法想要将丈夫救出来,然而…
  • 成長總叫人迷茫。生活在巴黎的葡裔少女Pamela,正站在人生的十字路口,面對青春中許多矛盾和失敗,總覺得提不起勁。家人雖然有愛,但她卻認為自己令他們失望。一次回鄉之旅,Pamela由城市回歸葡萄牙的鄉村小鎮,慢慢重新找到生活的勇氣。擅於描寫女性的法國導演Laurence Ferreira Barbosa,以這個溫暖細膩的故事,探討少女成長的困惑。
  • A post-modern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their seats and the play begins. Suddenly, the lights on stage go out. A group of young people, dressed in black and carrying guns, come up on stage. They apologize for the interru…