- 海豹突击队执行军事任务,解救被车臣恐怖分子绑架的政要,受到恐怖分子的 猛烈反击,双方激烈交火,海报突击队死伤惨重,行动失败。美国军方大为震怒,再 次派出海报突击队协同俄罗斯特种兵一起行动,企图在36个小时内消灭车臣恐怖分子 头目,但敌人早有防备,且装备精良,战斗不断升级,场面极尽火暴,惨烈……
- After a childhood of playing cantinas and honky tonks from Texas to Tennessee, this band of brothers...
- Of all the dangers Elizabeth I had to survive - the Spanish Armada, a Catholic continent plotting against her incessantly, restless nobles uneasy at serving a queen who refused to marry - none was so personally intense as her rivalry with another woman - her cousin and fellow queen, Mary, Queen of Scots. This was her l…