搜索 McDiarmid

  • based on the best-selling book by award-winning writer Simon Garfield, four stories from Britain's 'lost decade' (1945 - 1955) are presented from the diaries of four very distinct people. In his book, Garfield selected some of the most expressive diarists, and focused on the post-war years giving a vivid portrait of ho…
  • Play by Howard Barker about a sculptor who works to finish off a memorial to the Royalist years, as Cromwell's men break down the surrounding cathedral walls. (from http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/315346)download: http://britbitsandclips.com/AR_TV.htmscript: http://britbitsandclips.com/PityinHistory.htm
  • It’s November 1990 and Britain’s longest serving Prime Minster for more than 150 years is about to announce her resignation after almost 11 years in office. She has just been forced to face another ballot for the position of Conservative l…
  • 电视剧动作
    重启的电视剧版请来了《行尸走肉》第二季和第三季的主创格伦·马扎拉(Glen Mazzara)来当编剧。电视剧的导演则由伦·怀斯曼担纲。为了与原著和电影保持联系,电视剧请到了《罪恶之城 2》的制片人 Stephen L Heureux 加盟,他将与漫画作者弗兰克·米勒共同制片。
  • 简介:2005年5月3日,Sony古典唱片公司采用双碟包装的形式,推出《星战前传三:西斯的复仇》的原声唱片。其中一张为CD,收录有约翰威廉姆斯为影片创作,并指挥伦敦交响乐团演奏的70多分钟配乐。另一张就是名为《星球大战:音乐之旅》的DVD,收录了用六部“星战”电影的画面剪辑而成的音乐电视作品,时间超过70分钟。在这张DVD中,不仅可以分享…