搜索 Courtenay

  • 电影剧情
    巴蒂(福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker饰)和艾尔(杰夫·高布伦 Jeff Goldblum饰)是两个热爱爵士乐的好朋友,他们每天晚上出没于各式各样的夜总会演奏爵士乐,日子过得平平淡淡,波澜不惊但却充实而快乐。人生的喜怒哀乐、起起伏伏似乎离他们很遥远。本打算沉浸于爵士乐的海洋里平淡流年的他们,却在不经意间被一个突如其来的消息所打乱——…
  • 电影剧情
    FBI初级特工艾瑞克(Ryan Phillippe 饰)被总部从一件外围任务中召回,奉命监视有重大叛国嫌疑的FBI信息安全部主管罗伯特(Chris Cooper 饰),罗伯特与苏联特工周璇二十余年,但有证据表明罗伯特近几年持续出卖情报给对方。于是艾瑞克以专职助手身份监视罗伯特,随着两人的交往深入,艾瑞克感到罗伯特强硬精干的作风与和谐的家庭氛围同上司布置…
  • Gerald Otley, a petty thief and garbage rummager, wakes up one morning, after a drunken night on the town, and finds that he is wanted by the police for murder. And that is only the beginning. While being pursued for a crime he did not commit, he is kidnapped by a group of criminals who suspect him of being involved wi…
  • Harold Smith, a quiet middle-aged Englishman becomes an instant celebrity when he suddenly starts exhibiting psychic and telekinetic powers. After he is arrested for accidentally killing three pensioners by causing their pacemakers to stop, his lawyer brings in an extremely skeptical scientist to test whether or not Ha…
  • 剧情三个在伦敦的同志好友,一个过着双重身分的生活,虽逃避世俗眼光,却也勇于追寻自我;一个玩世不恭,不断游戏人间;一个却渴望真爱,为了爱情改变自己。故事由其中一个同志好友的葬礼开始,以一个现代剧《我爱断背衫》作结束,三个华裔英国同志的遭遇各有不同,却同时都面临传统与现代价值冲突的情境!他们将如何面对各自的真正感情呢?一场…
  • 电影剧情
    任家华(任达华 饰)是一位身手了得的大盗,和女友安(关秀媚 饰)里应外合,劫持了押款车,获得了巨额赃款。探员李铁坚(李修贤 饰)负责追查此时,并且最终将怀疑的目标锁定在了任家华和安的身上,然而却并没有确凿的证据可以指控两人。李铁坚关押了任家华和安,然而,他只有四十八小时的时间,如果在此期限之内两人没能够认罪,那么他们将彻…
  • In 1929, the studio gave the cinema its voice and offered audiences a chance to hear their favorite actors and actresses from the silent-screen era. For the first time, they can be heard in a gaudy, grandiose musical-comedy revue. But also appearing are actors and actresses from the first 'talkies', stars from Broadway…