- This digital short was commissioned for the Bigger Picture project in conjunction with the BBC in Manchester, and shown on a public screen in the centre of the city. The fi lm explores the psycho-geography of the city through the experiences of a local woman who is partially blind. It was fi lmed in Manchester around t…
- 两千年前,一个游牧民族消费品着中亚草原,并间接地成就了万里长城。它,就是匈奴,但这样一个骁勇善战的民族却没有他们的文字,考古遗迹便成为匈奴历史的唯一证据。本片讲述的是关于这个驰骋蒙古草原700年的游牧民族,这个民族没有文字,所以许多传说至今是谜,本片将从考古发现来为你揭开这个冰山的一角…… 两千年前,一个游牧民族消费品着中…