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  • 电影剧情
    二十多年前,法考三度落榜的法律大专生孟中(黄晓明 饰),内心充满绝望。一个漆黑的雨夜,他将积压已久的苦闷与愤怒,发泄在一个醉酒乘客身上。时过境迁,孟中已成为名声在外的公益律师,在一次调查少女猥亵案的过程中,一名叫魏娴(王影璐 饰)的女孩唤醒了那个雨夜的记忆,而这一切的背后,他似乎不断听到那场噩梦的回音:我知道你的秘密………
  • 揭开露西亚
    A banner title from recent arrival Garajonay, with a big Spanish star cast of Hugo Silva and Susana Abaitua, playing a judicial expert and the murder suspects he’s investigating and falls head-over-heels in love with.
  • 电视剧预告
    电影节上映结束三个月后会公开剧集版本,除了富川国际奇幻电影节上公开的154分钟之外,剧版还将包括预告片中的删除场面。  31岁的周英,时隔12年在葬礼上偶然遇到了苦苦寻找多年的初恋道会。  “似乎一切都被诅咒了…” 12年前,彼此对对方伤痛产生共鸣,深情相爱的两人,怎么就形同陌路了呢?没有 如愿以偿地找到自己梦想的道会和仍然坚持…
  • 电影生活
  • 电影喜剧
  • 电影喜剧
    富二代李望峰(邹文正 饰)被卷入了一起交通肇事顶包案之中,作为唯一的目击证人,孟子良(胡耀辉 饰)在此事上却支支吾吾语焉不详。刘梦龙(郑中基 饰)是负责调查此案的卧底探员,而孟子良恰巧正是他的童年玩伴。借着这特殊的身份,刘梦龙开始接近孟子良,希望能够从他口中套出当日事件的真相。孟子良的妹妹孟子君(雨侨 饰)患有眼疾,视力随…
  • An innocent girls world is turned upside-down when an ancient evil begins to stalk her family. An attempt by a religious sect to rid the evil from the family results in catastrophic results that will have far reaching consequences.
  • In LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS Emmy Award Winning director Laurie Kahn turns her insightful eye towards another American pop culture phenomenon: the romance industry.
  • Documentary which celebrates the role of the cover version in the pop canon and investigates what it takes to reinvent someone else's song as a smash.Through ten carefully chosen cover versions that whisk us from the British Invasion to a noughties X Factor final, this film journeys over five decades to track how artis…
  • TV historian Dan Snow travels across the old Kingdom of Mercia unravelling the secrets of one of Britian's most significant discoveries - the Staffordshire Hoard. The Hoard offers 1500 new clues into the Dark Ages and Dan pieces together the lives of the people living in these long-forgotten kingdoms.