- Eddie Durkan, the self-proclaimed leader of the 'Bucks is dreading spending another summer bored out of his skull. Ireland has qualified for the Euros in Poland, but with no money and apathetic mates, the task falls to Eddie to get them out of Castletown and onto the road in search of football and the craic
- 巴西金牌编剧鲁伊兹·波洛内西(《大惊小怪》)出手不凡,第一次执导长片就带来了这部大气磅礴的科幻史诗动画大作。影片以横贯五百年、四个时期的巴西为背景,在历史与未来之间,主人公经历生死轮回。与动画大师宫崎骏一样,导演坚持使用手绘创作,为动画风格与人物造型带来一丝执着与复古的色彩,而上海国际电影节的老朋友赛尔顿·梅罗(《小丑…
- Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him. He is so convinced that he enlists the help of his cousin Steven to create a Video Diary of his attempt to catch her in the act as well as to document the heartbreak she is putting him through. In an attempt to make her feel guilty, he intends to …
- Unnatural Acts (also spelt (Un)natural Acts) was a 1998 sketch comedy series written by Julian Barratt, Seán Cullen, Rich Easter, and Rich Fulcher on the Paramount Comedy Channel, now known as Comedy Central