- A low-budget anthology film focuses on a young group of friends, gathered for a night of fun and drinks around a campfire. Every year they try to outdo themselves telling scary stories. Will they survive another round? One story showcasing 5 unique macabre tales to frighten audiences everywhere.
- A teenage thief tries to leave town to escape the violence that threatens him and he people he loves.
- Billy Jackson is not having a good Christmas. He got a basketball for Christmas and just cannot make a jump shot. His Uncle David is coming to town to open a Valu-Mall, which will put his Dad's store out of business. When he tells his little sister Sarah that there is no Santa she makes a wish that it would be Christma…
- When songwriter Phil Graham is vacationing at a Spanish resort, he runs into old RAF comrade Tony Roscoe, whom he has not seen since the war. Tony is suddenly called back to Britain on emergency business and is not able to drive back to London. Phil volunteers to drive his car back for him and to bring a valuable envel…