搜索 Czemerys

  • 参议员皮斯有一种强烈无法控制的强迫症--喜欢抓女人的臀部。这种习惯在一些场合让他很尴尬,尤其是国事访问的时候,面对的女人是其他国家的要员,这将会让他更尴尬。绝望无奈的他向神父求助精神和心理上的帮助...同时有一些腐败的政客,想把他的事情当作丑闻向新闻媒体界公布...
  • 瑞菲奥进入亚历克斯的家里,与其所有家人发生性关系,并折磨夫人奥德里,但其背后隐藏着一个秘密,他是为母亲复仇而来的...
  • Patrick Davenant invites a group of friends to visit a theater inside his villa, a place which later reveals itself as sinister. Within a short time, the guests realize that they are trapped in the villa. A merciless killer then begins to murder them one by one.BY:https://www.zhuijukan.com/kongbu/shashouyudingjiuzuo/
  • 电影
    Innocent Lily finds herself accused of drug trafficking after her involvement with a dangerous criminal wanted by the police. Not knowing that her boyfriend is involved with the Mafia, she is arrested while going to Switzerland. However, the disappearance of 20kg of pure heroin triggers a merciless cycle of suspicion a…
  • 本来是一部非常普通的惊悚类Giallo电影,风韵少妇在丈夫外出后独守空房随后引来了一系列惊悚悬疑事件,谁知它的配乐却如此惊为天人,缠绵凄美