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  • 老鼠之家将小尼皮送到杰瑞这里过感恩节,小尼皮似乎永远处在饥饿的状态,而杰瑞的窝里空空如也,没有任何可以果腹的东西。走投无路的杰瑞铤而走险,带着小尼皮去喝汤姆盘子里的奶。汤姆醒来,将奶一饮而尽,两个小家伙还得继续挨饿。   幸运的是,家中的女仆为感恩节准备了丰富的晚餐,杰瑞又打起了晚餐的主意。不过狡猾嘴馋的汤姆怎可能视而…
  • "The story of Istvan (Gyorgy Cserhalmi) which began in the first film of a projected trilogy by director Miklos Jancso, Magyar Rapszodia, is continued here in Allegro Barbaro. The trilogy was intended to tell the story of Hungary from 1900 to shortly after World War II. The first film ended shortly after the concl…