- 关于吉恩·凯利的纪录片。吉恩·凯利,美国著名男演员,生于宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡。从小酷爱跳舞,他主演的《雨中曲》等多部歌舞片获得了巨大成功,从此成为与弗雷德·阿斯泰尔齐名的好莱坞歌舞片巨星。1952年因他在电影舞蹈设计艺术方面的成就而获颁奥斯卡终身成就奖。
- Indio是一个穷凶极恶的通缉犯,他伙同他的团伙屡次作案,他有一个怀表,每次大开杀戒之前都会看一看表,表上有一个女人的照片。赏金猎人Manco正在追捕Indio,而另外一个赏金猎人Colonel Douglas Mortimer也在追捕同样的目标。两人一开始都看对方不顺眼,后来才决定一起追捕Indio。两人得知Indio准备去抢劫银行,于是定下计谋,让Mortime…
- A day in life of a family living in the streets, eating heated garbage-thrown foods, and selling recyclable goods for a living.分享此片的菲律宾友人亦无法确定制作年份
- based on the Broadway play by Neil Simon, this tells the story of two mismatched friends, Felix Unger and Oscar Madison. Felix is a neat, tidy, and healthy nut, a photographer at a portrait studio, and a connoisseur of classical music. Because of this, his wife divorced Felix and threw him out of his apartment for good…