- ERES is a poetic and tangible documentary film that follows four children as they experience the natural cycle of life on a farm. Each child lives on a remote farm in the southwest of The Netherlands and is learning the profession of their ancestors from a young age. They dream that one day they will take over the farm…
- Pi Day Die Day centers around Euclid High School in a small Ohio town when a serial killer begins murdering kids from the school.
- 关于吉恩·凯利的纪录片。吉恩·凯利,美国著名男演员,生于宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡。从小酷爱跳舞,他主演的《雨中曲》等多部歌舞片获得了巨大成功,从此成为与弗雷德·阿斯泰尔齐名的好莱坞歌舞片巨星。1952年因他在电影舞蹈设计艺术方面的成就而获颁奥斯卡终身成就奖。
- Meet Elliot Brown. He is one of Brooklyn's most neurotically sweet and eligible bachelors . . . who also happens to be pushing forty and living with his mother. Not getting any younger, Elliot embarks on a 3000 mile road trip across the country to take a chance on a girl he has never met. His travel companion? Her fun-…
- Malou feels that the difficulties she is experiencing in her relationships lie in her past and so she searches out information about her mother. Her mother, a nightclub singer who lived in Germany, France and Argentina, becomes the focus of a series of flashbacks through which we learn of her mother's stormy life and t…