搜索 Daoust

  • Would-be filmmaker Sophie left Africa for Canada as a child. After graduating, she films the daily doings as part of a summer job at a fair. When pointing the camera at herself, she reveals painful secrets from the past..
  • 故事发生在一个5口之家,阿莱克斯生来是个低能儿,父母和弟弟约翰都嫌弃他,只有他的妹妹米兰达照顾他.有一天,米兰达突然告诉父母自己怀孕了,无论家人如何逼问,她都不肯说出孩子父亲是谁.约翰带他的朋友本杰明来家中做客,本杰明见到阿莱克斯愚钝就捉弄他,米兰达厉声喝止.本杰明跑到楼上去,这时怪事发生了,他发现了一扇奇怪的门,就推开门走了进去,…
  • A young woman realizes her friends are being murdered by their own doubles. She and her boyfriend work to solve the mystery molikan.com before becoming victims themselves.