- 太宰治與蜷川實花的組合,一字記之曰:色。蜷川並不服膺於太宰治半自傳小說《人間失格》的隔靴搔癢,借書之名直接拍他本人和三個女人的故事。太宰治的妻子美知子、有志成為作家的情人靜子和他最後一位情人富榮,分別由演技派女優宮澤理惠、澤尻英龍華和二階堂富美飾演,襯托著蜷川分別為三女精心設計的主題色調,色彩濃烈絢麗的畫面是一場流動的…
- The yacht crew as they cater to the needs of their deep-pocketed guests above deck while navigating the relationships and politics below.
- Maris lives together with his brother in a tiny village. He is a local soul sick. Once a rifle is given into his hands. Together with other villagers, Maris becomes a Wehrmacht soldier. He will be remembered by History as a nameless killer with no human traits worthy of mention, but one: HE WAS HERE. But surely there m…