- New York in the late 70s: the arch, anti-establishment energy of CBGBs punk spreads like a virus through the East Village art scene, with hipsters as likely to pick up a cheap Super-8 camera as a guitar or saxophone. A number of eager collaborations between filmmakers, musicians and performance artists are spawned, and…
- 由乐仁文化、明白文化联合出品制作,腾讯视频独家播出的情境职场脱口秀《曾经心动的Offer》是由知名主持人杨杨组局主持,以脱口秀派对的形式,邀请包括张大大、王勉、脱口秀演员小北和小佳、嘎嘎周英俊在内的多位话题嘉宾以及经历过裁员、跳槽、待业的当代打工人,带着他们“曾经心动”的OFFER,来分享“前任”职场的奇葩过往,回忆当初的心动故…