- The eight-part television series Jean Painlevé Through His Films, directed by Denis Derrien and Hélène Hazera
- A dark edged thriller that takes one man on a quest to save humanity from the most deadly virus ever known...and worst still, his wife...time is the essence as the virus kills its victims quickly and painfully and as a famous doctor struggles to find a cure to combat the deadly infection; he must face the many haunting…
- Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral and witnessing a murder.
- A heart-warming, delightfully funny romantic comedy about a lawn boy who catches the eye of an upscale career woman. Together they must endure the pressures from their friends and family; which include his home-boys, his "Cheaters" watching sister, her snooty girlfriends, and her cocktail drinking, snobbish m…
- It is a beautiful summer morning on the island of Sandhamn in the Swedish archipelago. In the middle of an idyllic beach scenario, a dead man's body floats up to the surface entangled in a fishing net. Crime inspector Thomas Andreasson from the Nacka police is called to the scene. He has a personal closeness to the isl…