- In a land of swords and sorcery, bandits break from their gang to protect a little girl, pitting them against their old friends and former leader who was once like a father to them.
- 伊尔汗·多甘,出生在德国的土耳其移民家庭,是家里的第三个小孩。 三个孩子在母亲离家出走后寄居于土耳其的舅舅家,因为亲生父亲也说无法照料三个小孩。 好在舅舅艾哈迈德和舅妈梅拉哈特把他们当自己孩子一样对待,尤其是舅妈,更是视如己出。但毕竟他们还是孩子,对妈妈的思念还是深入骨髓。他们以为妈妈离开他们是因为不爱他们,然而真相是否…
- The Po Delta is the setting of the clash between fishermen and poachers. Osso wants to save the river from overfishing at the hands of the Florians, a family on the run from the Danube. Together with the Florians is Elia, who was born in those lands. Overwhelmed by blind violence, the two will face each other in the mi…
- Lucy likes Anton and Anton likes Lucy. As both are having two "cool looking drinks," Anton reveals that he is HIV positive. Meanwhile Lucy has to realize that her HIV education is in pretty bad shape.