- Bernard T. Ward's Popcorn Bag of Terror is a horror anthology that features 3 films Slice, I Heart Zombie and The Hat Man presented by your host of the evening Bernard T. Ward. Slice is about serial killer named Otto Ramirez who just escaped prison looking to kill again. Otto manages to find his way to the house of a g…
- A lyrical examination of indie songstress Rosie Thomas' quest for an expression of truth, combining songs of plaintive melancholy with sharp-witted banter and Sheila, her bizarre stand-up alter ego. Using intimate live performances with fellow songwriters Sufjan Stevens and Denison Witmer as a pathway, Mars is a medita…
- 《玛丽·塞利斯特的秘密》拥有很强的悬念性,画面真实自然,人物形象刻画入微。贯穿整部影片的悬念到最后才得以解开。导演以细致的人物心理刻画,使得这部经典影片即便在当今看来,也绝对让人匪夷所思! 玛丽·塞利斯特号商船满载货物准备离开纽约港前去意大利,船长本杰明要妻子萨拉一同前往,本杰明向萨拉描绘了大海的美丽,红色的黎明,成…
- The Adventures of lchabod and Mr.Toad (伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险)【片长时间】约68分钟【作品类别】迪士尼第11部经典动画,中篇合辑剧情动画片【段落名称】本片共包括两个中篇段落︰1. 小蟾蜍﹙Mr. Toad﹚,又名“The Wind in the Willows”2.瞌睡谷传奇﹙The Legend of Sleepy Hollow﹚【原著取材】“小蟾蜍”改编…