- This is the first true explanation of why i love electronic music, 16 August 1999Author: (knocj001@students.unisa.edu.au) from Adelaide, AustraliaI saw Modulations as part of a film festival here in Adelaide; i wish now that i had gone and seen it twice. I finally found out WHY i like dance/electronic music while watch…
- 迪士尼出品喜剧。别低估异想天开的力量,因为它是发明的原动力!以卡通形式呈现“飞哥与小佛”电影版,电影中的片头与片尾以原来的动画形式呈现。杜芬舒斯将和他们的宠物鸭嘴兽展开一个双重间谍的秘密生活。