搜索 Derr

  • When a successful business woman finds out her college-aged daughter has gone missing, she elicits help from her friend and daughter's college professor, unaware that she is seeking assistance from the very man who has harmed her.
  • Diego de la Muerte (Wilmer Valderrama) is a 21-year-old Latino-American living in East L.A. where the Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, celebration is right around the corner. Diego dresses up as a zombie mariachi before going to a part…
  • 未来社会,人类文明迎来了最为辉煌的第二次文艺复兴。智能机器人的开发,使人类得以从各种繁重、危险、枯燥的手工和基础劳动中摆脱出来,而轻松舒适地享受仿佛永无止境的奢华幸福生活。安逸滋长懒惰、贪婪与傲慢,对于一门心思服务自己的机器人,人们无理而粗暴。某天,代号B1-66ER的机器人因不愿被粗鲁的主人销毁而奋起反抗,最终伤害两条人命…
  • 傲慢的人类终于发动了对01国的全面进攻,为了摧毁这个权机器人的国家,他们不惜使用核武器,巨大的蘑菇云如含有剧毒的菌类接连盛开在地球的上空,01国宛如沐浴在数千个太阳的强烈照射之下。可是与脆弱的人类不同,机器人全然不惧高温与高辐射,对手的攻击过后,他们迅速组织了摧枯拉朽的反攻。人类的城镇、国度接连沦陷。在此危难时刻,有人提出…
  • While trapped in a Twilight Zonish high desert environment, a hunted rock musician is forced to confront his whole past life when an eccentric, prophet tells him his has one night left to live.
  • HIGH TECH SOUL is the first documentary to tackle the deep roots of techno music alongside the cultural history of Detroit, its birthplace. From the race riots of 1967 to the underground party scene of the late 1980s, Detroit's economic downturn didn't stop the invention of a new kind of music that brought internationa…
  • 在骗取黑手党的20万美元之后,萨巴士把钱藏进了瑞士银行。他把账号用纹身的方法分别刻在了他的众多女友屁股上。后来,萨巴士被黑手党追杀致死,难题摆在了萨巴士的搭档查理面前,如何巧妙掀开那些女人的屁股,把银行帐号串联起来,得到那用萨巴士性命换来的20万美元?
  • 电影
    从最大的节日派对到最小的社区教会, Kenny Smyth都在这些所有的地方运送可移动式厕所,并且还要把他们冲洗乾净。由于工作的原因,Kenny Smyth被社会所忽略而且也未受到认同, 在社会这个大机器中他好象就是一个嵌齿轮一样无足轻重,可他自己却认为在穿上闪耀的工作服,并且同他的忠实的'Splashdown'(溅落) 小组一起工作的时候,自己就像一个骑…