- A group of carpet fitters are sent on a job to an old Country house in the middle of nowhere. However they soon discover it's a trap set up by the savage, cannibalistic family, The Hannings. The carpet fitters are forced to fight for their lives or risk ending up being the evenings dinner. Unfortunately they are not qu…
- 被称为“断尾”的这个老虎出生在北印度的拉贾斯坦邦国家公园,这是一个广阔的自然保护区,为品种繁多的印度野生动物提供栖息地,尤其以孟加拉虎而闻名。历史上在印度传统中,这片区域的老虎曾经被印度大君保护过,然后相继被受庇于政府和保护项目中。但是,虽然有保护这片公园的政策,偷猎者在这些年里几乎没有停止过猎杀,老虎在艰难中生存。在…
- 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,某户人家的门口,老实巴交的塞缪尔•史密斯先生正认真听着太太的吩咐。太太让他去商店买点儿东西,顺便带着自家养的狗罗弗散散步。交代过后,塞缪尔和罗弗分别跟自己所爱的人告别,随后一同上街。塞缪尔先生太过关注手里的采购单,结果和狗狗在十字路口被一辆飞驰而过的汽车压成了照片。救护车飞速赶到,只是粗心大意的…
- A small town has made an industry out of Bigfoot sightings and ancillary merchandising. All this may come to an end very soon though. A local businessman hopes to trap Bigfoot once and for all, so that he can get all the publicity gravy.