搜索 Di

  • 电影
    Soélie, a young motocross prodigy, sees her dreams of success shattered by an accident. She now devotes herself to training her brother, Michael. When he is recruited by TMAX scooter racers for a high-profile heist in Paris, Soélie must ov…
  • 动漫战争
  • 电影剧情
    轮船爆炸,一名男子丧生,另一名男子消失得无影无踪。是桩意外,还是为肮脏勾当所打的掩护? 纪录片制片人 Nerijus Milerius 邀请爱徒 Lina Lūžytė 在深入研究日本人间蒸发现象后,执导了这部立陶宛心理惊悚片。 天才摄影师 Vytautas Katkus 完美地捕捉到了影片主题的黑暗气质,大胆运用了延时拍摄,携着镜头穿梭于飞驰的汽车间。 演员 Ž…
  • Desentierros. Los libros que no heredamos
    Unearthing. The Books We Didn't Inherit delves into the family memory of María Julia Blanco, the film's director. The exhumation of her father's student library, recovered in 2018, is the starting point. Julia guides us through the provinc…
  • 电视剧
    霍紀婷,表面上是專辦理離婚官司的律師,實際上卻是替不少男女撮合姻緣的俏紅娘。 雖然每天都要面對破碎的婚姻,又發現他們因要離婚而變得爾虞我詐,但霍紀婷並沒有對婚姻感到絕望,她認為既然合不來就別勉強,免得浪費時間。反而,霍紀婷相信人間有情。她之所以兼任紅娘,事緣一次無心插柳撮合了一對情侶,自此找她作媒的人比找她辦理離婚的人…
  • 电视剧喜剧
  • 电影生活
  • Standing on the Shoulders of Kitties
    Bubbles' band "The Shitrockers" lands a European tour but gets kicked off, forcing them to busk. Randy is their roadie. Can Ricky and Julian save them from the streets of Prague?
  • Paul Reiser: Life, Death, and Rice Pudding
    Reiser’s new hour comes on the heels of Paul Reiser: 3 ½ Blocks from Home and Paul Reiser: Out on a Whim, which were respectively released in 1991 and 1987. In it, he discloses the secret to successful downsizing, explains why the whole “D…
  • 失听有情人
    A young woman and a young man meet in Istanbul. They are brought together by the fact that they both lack the money to live in the foreign city. They are both deaf, but that doesn’t stop them from connecting, spending time together and doing what young people always do – partying carelessly and seeking intimacy. They f…