- 讲述了在现代意外复活的巨大恐龙在东京街头暴走,小新、小白和春日部防卫队的朋友们为了守护新朋友纳纳,和恐龙展开激烈决斗的故事。巨大恐龙从何而来,为何复活?身上究竟藏着什么秘密?
- Drawing on previously unpublished interviews, journals, family footage and propaganda films, The Propagandist tracks the rise and fall of the Dutch filmmaker Jan Teunissen, who lived from 1898 to 1975. Coming from a very wealthy background meant Teunissen was able to pursue his aspirations as a filmmaker early in life…
- This dynamic video collage, described by its makers as a "popular symphony," captures the soul of Brazil and its inhabitants in words and visuals. The history of this South American country is marked by oppression and defiance, by resilience and solidarity. Music is the motor propelling this rhythmic, often i…
- Drawing on surrealism and magical realism, Eradze’s practice resonates in revealing an alien sense of otherness through narratives introduced in the outskirts of human habitation. Gathering winds echo through the shadowiness of a still and…
- Humans have finally left the moon! LET'S PARTY! A cheerful film created on a pinscreen.
- Pedro has a tough time dealing with corruption in his work as a claims adjuster for an insurer in Mexico. Seeking an escape, he befriends filmmaker and artist Miguel Calderón, hoping that the world of contemporary art will offer him relief. But when he becomes attracted to an actress and impulsively accepts a role in a…
- After the of premiere of his film Terrestrial Verses (co-directed by Alireza Khatami) in Cannes, Ali Asgari was banned from traveling by the Iranian authorities. But filmmakers like Asgari are not easily deterred from practicing their art, despite unceasing repressive government interference. At the beginning of Highe…
- A disconnected filmmaker starts believing that the cause of his deep restlessness is the call of his homeland, where he is a stranger by birth. He sets off on a journey back to his roots, seeking to reconcile his present reality with the depths of his ancestral past. Guided by an inner longing, he traverses rugged land…
- 在一架小型飞机坠毁后,四名土著儿童在哥伦比亚亚马逊丛林中失联、孤立无援。他们依靠祖先的智慧求生,而一场史无前例的救援任务也随之展开。 这部纪录片由奥斯卡奖得主奥兰多·冯·爱因西德尔执导,哥伦比亚导演豪尔赫·杜兰和英国裔秘鲁导演拉利·霍顿参与制作,从参与这场史诗级救援行动的人员 — 哥伦比亚军队、土著志愿救援人员和儿童的…