- IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital Storytelling Surinamese director Ruben Cabenda took his inspiration for the short animated film Töngö sondi from the story of the Tower of Babel. Wriggling tongues form a tower, tear off limbs, crawl ou…
- Autistic teenager Gabriel witnesses the slow collapse of his parents’ relationship. This tenderly observed family story is like no other. Jūratė dreams of having a child with the handsome Juozas, and a year later they have a son: Gabriel…
- House. Sauna. Ladder. Park. The little comforts of life. Take an uplifting 3D stroll with architect Emil! Surprising experimentalist Arko Okk cleverly uses an original dual-lens 3D camera to visually explore journeys through space, motivating charismatic workaholic Emil Urbel to bring the importance of environmental a…
- Skateboarding, with its all-encompassing lifestyle, personal expression, creativity, and rebellious spirit has grown into something more than just doing tricks in Estonia. Skaters repeat in unison, “Skateboarding has given me everything.” Skateboarding is their life. Skateboarding is freedom. This is the story of a sce…
- Based on the 1980s comic books by Tadeusz Baranowski, is primarily aimed at children. “But the element of nostalgia is obvious for today's 30- or 40-year-olds, who often are also parents, and I care about this intergenerational, shared exp…
- 帕丁顿(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)回到家乡秘鲁看望他心爱的露西婶婶。露西婶婶现住在退休熊之家。然而一个谜团将帕丁顿和布朗一家带入意想不到的惊险旅程。从亚马逊雨林到秘鲁山巅,一场激动人心的冒险随之而来。
- 本剧改编自同名小说与漫画,讲述了在京都有千年以上历史的世家的千金·结城莉央(林 饰)与素不相识的对象以16岁的年纪就结为没有爱情的政治婚姻。丈夫是IT界的帅哥社长·高岭正智(犬饲 饰)。每年生日她都会收到5000万日元,可以说两人之间只是“钱”的关系,彼此都不认识,也没有话可说,过了10年的某一天,莉央决定上京,对初次见面的丈夫说…