搜索 Diller

  • DESTROY THIS MAN and a fortune in diamonds is yours.
  • The special Christmas episode featured the second season short "A Very Dragon Ball Z Christmas", along with the first season shorts "Unsolved Case Files: Claus & Effect" and "Kill Bunny". There have been three other Christmas specials to date.
  • a movie made primarily for kids who have not seen or heard the original story, or have just enough familiarity with it that they will sit through the entire video to the end. It tries way too hard to appeal to the " 7-10 year old, bathroom talk is funny" set. Marie's character is hard to sympathize with since…
  • Legendary mountain musicians Dwight Diller and John Morris star in this musical drama that follows the adventures of Dr. Daniel Greenfield, a music and folklore professor who travels back to Appalachia to attend the funeral of the man who raised him. Trapped deep in the mountains, he embarks on a musical odyssey that b…
  • Baby boomer Mark Wexler travels the world searching for the secrets of long life.
  • 帕特里西奥·古兹曼 (Patricio Guzmán) 40 多年前离开了智利,当时军事独裁政权接管了民主选举产生的政府,但他从未停止思考一个国家、一种文化,以及他从未忘记的地图上的一个地方。在《Nostalgia for the Light》中报道了北方,在《珍珠纽扣》中报道了南方之后,他的镜头近距离接触了他所谓的“智利过去和近代历史的巨大揭示脊梁”。 La …
  • 法国动画名校Gobelins三个学生To-Anh Bach、Charles Badiller、Hugo Weiss的厉害毕业作品,美术风格锋利有味,动作设计流畅精彩,尤其画面转场与故事发展的搭配令人惊艳。故事的悲剧性从第一个转场开始就相当引人入胜,爱情与厮杀的强烈反差被清楚凸显出来,影片前中后各用了三个回合的绝妙转场,交代出主角两人过去的亲密关系与当下战局的快速…
  • An accountant whose job is about to be taken over by a computer starts to re-examine his life and his priorities.