搜索 Ding

  • 16岁女孩比莉被突如其来的消息搞懵了:一直以来和她最亲密的妈妈决定变性!在妈妈做手术、从女人变男人的这一年,她不得不搬去和爸爸住,而且只有在每周二才能和妈妈见一面。比莉倒数着52个星期的过去,与此同时她与两个男孩女孩也分别相处甚密,16岁正是探索自己性的秘密的年纪啊... ◎QAF
  • 电影
  • Five women murdered over five years, and now the responsibility lies to a support officer (Elizabeth) to discover where their bodies are buried. However, her own past haunts her during the investigation through the disappearance of her failed abduction case years before of nine-year-old Sarah.
  • 电影剧情
    一个热血的伊朗业余剧团,得到了千载难逢的海外演出邀约,所有团员都很兴奋,脑袋里幻想着出国买名牌,除了女主角夏莎,这个在生活中找不到希望的女孩。当其他团员都对家人搪塞谎言,甚至假装要去麦加朝圣时,她却决定要对父亲说实话,但坦诚的代价是独自面临护照被父亲扣留的难关。家庭、友 谊、理想、世代间,究竟该如何抉择?
  • This year, all of Norway celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Edvard Munch (1863 - 1944), one of the towering figures of modern art.This is already being hailed a "once-in-a-lifetime show" . Global interest is huge - not least as a result of one of his four The Scream (pictured) paintings having r…
  • 电影
    《念书的孩子2》讲述开开进城上学被迫与流浪狗“小胆儿”分离,但这条通人性的小狗与善良的小主人之间的情谊跨越地域阻隔,始终由一根细细的电话线连结着。为了让小胆儿吃饭,开开悄悄地捡废品凑话费给小胆儿打长途电话。 春节过后,开开和城里结识的新朋友终于迎来了进城探亲的小胆儿。小胆儿学会了捡废品,却不幸出了车祸。开开流着泪给濒死的…
  • One-Ten is convinced that the man is murdered while being interviewed on a live television show was the victim of a hired-killer called "The Teddy Bear." He concocts a plot to trap him using John Steed as bait and Cathy Gale as the woman who wants to hire an assassin to murder him.