搜索 Ding

  • 老式的唱片机放松出激昂振奋的乐曲。全身上下精心打理的理发师哈里神情自若,伴随着音乐,他优雅地为客人剃头刮脸。谁知工作进行到一半时,唱片机突然不再工作了。哈里停下来查看,却怎么也搞不定。相熟的客人安慰了他,将唱片机拿走修理。哈里无奈地站在窗前,理发店橱窗上清楚地写着“只准白人入内”的字样。显然,哈里是一个种族观念十分强的…
  • Family Property is back to enact a second dose of keeping people off the Family Property. After her parents death Sarah Carter must protect her property. when people step on the property it ends in a goreiffic bloodbath.
  • Three stand-up comedians seek fame and fortune in the hottest comedy scene in the world: San Francisco in the 1980s. There they meet rising stars Robin Williams and Dana Carvey. Success, it seems, is just one good stand-up performance away. Soon, Will Durst, Larry 'Bubbles' Brown and Johnny Steele are being courted by …
  • 2004年由德国VIDEO ART艺术家联盟推出的一套作品合集,为纪念VIDEO ART自上世纪60年代初诞生至今各国的优秀作品,其中收录了60部来自世界各国各地的录像艺术短片,它们出自不同艺术家之手,发表于各个不同时期,原本都被收藏在杜塞尔多夫、慕尼黑、法兰克福等多个德国城市的艺术资料馆里,首次以DVD形式推广。第二部分:1969/2004 -…
  • My mother will die. Jutta interprets the diagnosis of an incurable cancer as a spiritual crisis. Accompanied by Rainer Langhans, to whom she has a deep friendship since over 40 years, Jutta travels to India and goes on the search for a healing experience from within.
  • 电影
  • 电影
  • The friendship between the impulsive and adventurous Pim and the more cautious Pom is put to the test when they are faced with trying to find their way home.