搜索 Divine

  • 电影
  • A group of mysterious villains known as "The Alliance" sets a trap for the Taxpayer. They imprison him, torture him, and make plans to publicly crucify him. Local janitor Richard Randolph rounds up retired Superheroes, and hatches a plan to rescue the Taxpayer. The villains stage a public rally, where many ci…
  • 特撮テレビドラマとして始まり昨年アニメ化もされた雨宮慶太原作の『牙狼〈GARO〉』シリーズの完全新作アニメーション映画『牙狼〈GARO〉-DIVINE FLAME-』の公開が2016年春に決定し、物語の鍵である「炎」を象徴的に描いたメインビジュアルが公開された。キャストはテレビアニメ版から浪川大輔が続投するほか、林祐一郎監督と脚本家の小林靖子が…
  • A young priest must come to terms with his crisis of faith or risk damnation to the soul of a living miracle. With man's freewill held in the balance, the bloody conflict surrounding the immortal being known as Divine will take him further into his religion than ever he dreamed possible.
  • A young hopeful teenager is waiting for his unknown and fantasized father to come out of prison. His family dream life is seriously undermined by an exhausted mother and a man who, after so many years in jail, has become unable to be a responsible father.
  • 电影动作
    弗兰奇(艾德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)刚刚结束为期十年的漫长牢狱之灾,然而,艰苦的铁窗生活却并没有改变他暴戾邪恶的性格,刚刚出狱没多久,他便开始筹划着干一笔大买卖,以此作为收官之战。弗兰奇找到了自己的弟弟詹姆斯(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰),希望能够得到他的帮助,然而,詹姆斯早已经弃暗投明,成为了一名汽…
  • A documentary which invites the viewer to rediscover an enchanted cosmos in the modern world by awakening to the divine within.