搜索 Stanislav

  • The feature "What Nobody Can See" is a psychological drama with elements of science fiction. The story is based on the relationship of the nurse Elsa with her patient Nicola who has fallen into deep coma after experimenting with creation of artificial intelligence. He has to go through a long and hard period …
  • based on the Russian classic novel. While maintaining all the main plot-lines of the novel, it follows the events not as they happen but as they are reflected in the mind of the dying hero. Thus make a chain of recollections about the life he had lived through, now seen as a series of irrevocable mistakes and interpret…
  • 有着俄罗斯血统的德国帅气男孩迪马是一个从事艺术品盗窃团伙的成员,他藏匿在柏林,希望自己能够有一个新的人生,而爱上了女孩纳迪亚后却引发了盗窃团伙的首领的刁难。影片关于“放下屠刀回头是岸”的剧情虽不新鲜,但两位男女演员俊美的外表和优秀的表演却让影片加分不少,涉及移民身份认同的话题更让让影片在社会性上深入了一层,有别于一般的…
  • Fall and Winter is the result of a 16,000-mile journey across the U.S. in search of answers to our unfolding global crises. Hurricanes, droughts, soil depletion and rapidly diminishing resources threaten civilization itself. How did we get here? And what do we do about it? Epic and stunningly photographed, the film dra…
  • 一雙新人郎才女貌,婚禮好不和諧,誰料不速之客來到現場,是好是壞,一生愛護的誓詞,當天就褪了色。神秘人說是新郎同窗,鬼祟跟各人混熟,再攞景送上刻有自己名字的骨灰甕。《四性一體》(37 屆)小休放鬆後,楊恩夏比重拾《清白有罪》(36 屆)那些深藏生命遺憾裏不能說的秘密,為三部曲壓卷,婚宴的歡樂和怪客的乖行一張一弛,劇情緊扣心弦,…
  • (JAP文)1986年4月26日,切尔诺贝利核电站的一个核反应堆发生爆炸,年轻的俄共官员瓦莱里在获悉内部消息后,决定赶紧带着自己的女友维拉逃离此地。当日正值星期六,阳光明媚,人们纷纷外出享受周末,瓦莱里很快发现,这里有一种无形的力量,在阻止着自己离开……  周六的普里皮亚季镇,街上熙熙攘攘,不少人逛街购物,孩子们在外玩耍,还有人…