搜索 Divoff

  • A man has been trained in a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat using ballistics and firearms. He is one of the few Americans who has perfected it, which makes him the CIA's best weapon against International Terrorism.
  • A crazed scientist experimenting with a rage virus on innocent victims in a laboratory in the woods. When his monstrous subjects escape and vultures devour their remains, they became mutations seeking to feed on humans.
  • 电影
  • 电影灾难
  • 故事围绕着一件拥有神秘力量的吸血鬼的遗物展开,女主人公因为兄弟去世而悲痛欲绝,她不惜一切代价想要和死去的兄弟重新取得联系,而吸血鬼的遗物正能帮得上她,可是后果却出乎她的意料。