搜索 Diz

  • Most interesting documentary about Dizzy's trip to Havana. Dizzy politely excuses himself from Castro's appointed guides and goes with the cab driver who is for real, Arturo Sandoval; to take him around to the places where real jazz is played. Later Arturo is featured on stage with Dizzy playing jazz. This is the first…
  • Art Kane, now deceased, coordinated a group photograph of all the top jazz musicians in NYC in the year 1958, for a piece in Esquire magazine. Just about every jazz musician at the time showed up for the photo shoot which took place in front of a brownstone near the 125th street station. The documentary compiles interv…
  • An engkanto, or encanto, is an often-malign spirit dwelling in the Filipino countryside, although in Death in the Land of Encantos, some of them have migrated to eastern Europe as exiles. Their human counterpart is the film’s protagonist, Benjamin (“Hamin”) Agusan, a poet who returns from years in Russia to search for …
  • 一群外星人参观了地球,并对地球发出了最后的通告,和平还是彻底毁灭?
  • 这张是GNR 1992年在东京的演唱会录像,Use your illusion I, II,双DVD(说是双DVD其实是一部),也是他们唯一一部官方出版的live。其中,不但收录了GNR所有经典的歌曲,如Sweet chile of mine, Don't cry, November rain, 更有slash 吉他演奏的电影教父的主题曲。
  • 这张是GNR 1992年在东京的演唱会录像,Use your illusion I, II,双DVD(说是双DVD其实是一部),也是他们唯一一部官方出版的live。其中,不但收录了GNR所有经典的歌曲,如Sweet chile of mine, Don't cry, November rain, 更有slash 吉他演奏的电影教父的主题曲。
  • 电影剧情
  • 马克斯(Marcos Hernández 饰)是墨西哥某将军家的专职司机,经常接送将军生性开放的千金安娜(Anapola Mushkadiz 饰)及其朋友,久而久之马克斯与之有染。因生活所迫,马克斯和妻子策划一起绑架案,阴差阳错害死了绑架的小孩。马克斯从此承受巨大的心理苛责,灵魂难以得到救赎。他向安娜坦白自己的罪过,安娜劝其自首。但马克斯的恐惧并未得到…
  • 冠军
    外号“高加索人”的菲拉特·博卢卡比 (Fırat Bölükbaşı)是一位非常有前途的年轻选手,然而一次比赛中他的失误使他的对手意外身亡,“高加索人”赢得冠军腰带,却在当晚失去了自己的名誉、梦想、勇气、对职业的热爱和妻子。妻子难产而死,留下了刚出生的儿子居内什(Güneş)。当居内什7岁时,厄运再一次击垮了菲拉特——居内什遗传了母…