搜索 Diz

  • "Más allá del olvido" (Beyond Oblivion) is one of the best films made in Argentina and the best Hugo Del Carril directed ("La Quintrala" and "Amorina" --even more than the best known "Las aguas bajan turb…
  • In Sundo, Romano (Robin Padilla), a retired military operative who goes into seclusion, discovers that he has the uncanny ability of seeing ghosts around people who will soon encounter sudden, disastrous deaths. Worried of his brother, Romano’s blind sister Isabel (Rhian Ramos) persuades him to return to Manila with th…
  • 一家私人广告公司的负责人,苏珊,成为痴迷多米尼克,一个想成为明星,她无法克服与她相当的性魅力。两个搞了一系列的胜人一筹的游戏,看看谁是性的胜利者。
  • 主角耶利米的生財架生一頭牛和貨車給偷了。他找警察報案,其間發現一幫少年在密謀綁架一名少女Helena,而當中的密謀主腦就是村裏的富家子。貪污和貧窮、警察和無政府狀態,才是導演要講的故事。如果身為警察的審判者都貪污,正道何在?結果耶利米去教堂找神父,神父叫他找警察。耶利米說警察都找過,可是警察也勸他不要多事。神父叫他祈禱求神幫…
  • 《Ploning》是一部设定在1982年的田园诗般的影片,片名“Ploning”是片中女主角的名字。男主人公经历多年非法捕鱼的海上生活后回到了美丽的库约岛,寻找儿时迷恋的女人,结果发现她和自己记忆中的并不一样。这部描写小岛生活的影片节奏舒缓,由菲律宾明星朱迪·安·桑托斯(Judy "Juday" Ann Santos)主演,是Panoram…
  • This is a ground breaking documentary investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. A group of concern citizens heading up watchdog organizations investigate the 2004 election in the wake of these allegations on the 2000 presidential election which ended up decided in the Supre…
  • LetrespadediZorro
  • A layered historical docudrama centred on a forgotten Filipino revolutionary who led a peasant revolt against American colonialism.一个电影制作者重访了小镇Tayug来筹备她的新片,她想要拍摄当地的英雄Pedro Calosa和1931年的Tayug事件。她重访那些故址,想象着自己电影中的场景。随着她对Tayug的调查不断深…
  • 總統一聲令下鐵腕掃毒,差佬打正旗號有殺錯冇放過。警隊精心部署緝捕馬尼拉大毒梟,罪犯就地正法,「毒戰」報捷揚威,不料沙展與線人暗中落格,將白粉與黑錢據為己有。飛鴿傳粉、尿片運毒看似萬無一失,烏鴉世界卻自有天網恢恢。收起《羅剎媽媽》(41 屆)的悲憫鏡頭,文杜沙以警匪類型動作寫實繼續其政治宣言:國歌響起,威武步操起首作結,一…