搜索 Djukic

  • 双胞胎兄弟,一个是一家濒临破产的小厂的工会主席,单身独居陋室,另一个是该厂上面集团公司的负责人,出入小车,豪宅娇妻。厂里不给解决宿舍问题,一位年轻女工来找工会主席,可怜的单身汉不得不与之分享陋室。厂子撑不下去了,在大伙的要求下,工会主席硬着头皮去找兄弟帮忙,结果碰了一鼻子灰。情急之下,工人们决定施以掉包计。好戏就此上演…
  • Upon being escorted to a mysteriously irradiated site, and after experiencing strange visions, Evgeniy finds himself questioning the very reason he was sent to investigate the site in the first place.
  • One of those movies that keeps you awake at night and makes you wonder about things like bio-terrorism and stuff like that... Like your own safety in those "what if" situations... Absolutely every single segment of this movie is shocking and frightening... Music theme containing some middle-East motifs keeps …
  • 德占期间,游击队的战俘和犹太人都被关押在巴尼察集中营
  • IN YOUR HANDS - Maša Šarović & Sharon Engelhart (10')After begging her to come back, Azra gets her daughter Lejla back at the airport. In the car, she tells her a surprising news and takes her to an unknown place where mother and daughter…