搜索 Dmitriy

  • The action takes place in 1918 in Perm. Central Siberian White Guard Corps, under the command of young general Anatoliya Nikolaevicha Pepelyaeva exciting city. The army exhausted, not enough ammunition, uniforms, provisions. General invites the Permian merchants in order to collect money for the army. Wealthy widow Cha…
  • Lilac Hills, Property 18 (Vladenie 18)- just like any number of high-rise buildings on the outskirts of the city in a quaint but growing suburb. Special deals for early investors tempt affluent new buyers like newlyweds Sveta and Maxim with low prices, providing them with an amazing opportunity to move out of their tin…
  • 故事开始于久远的1913年,伊万(伊万·勃莱德 Ivan Bred 饰)和塔提亚娜(谢尔盖·斯维特拉科夫 Sergey Svetlakov 饰)在一场圣诞舞会上相识了。一拍即合的两人很快就约定了下一次的见面,他们决定在第二年的同一时刻相约于此地的圣诞树下。哪知道不久之后,一战爆发了,当他们故地重游时,圣诞树早已经不见了踪影,曾经洋溢着音乐和欢乐的舞厅…
  • Champion boxer Artyom Kolchin climbed all conceivable heights and became a national hero. He does not enter the boxing ring any more, rather choosing a coaching job and wild high life, including continuous TV appearances, hanging out and love affairs. One morning his daughter and his wife Vika meet him at home. Vika do…
  • 以Mustafa Shokay的犹太妻子Maria Yakovlevna所写的日记为蓝本,回忆Mustafa的一生以及他们之间传奇且至死不渝的爱情故事。(Mustafa Shokay:一个被人忘却的哈萨克军官;在柏林一个静悄悄的公墓里,躺着一位哈萨克老军人,很少有人知道他曾经坎坷而复杂的历史。很难对他作出一个评价,可以说他是个英雄,因为他的理想是解放故乡,他参加了战斗,…
  • 商人马克,汽车经纪人詹纳迪以及物理学家安纳托雷这三个旧日同窗要聚在一起回忆当年的年轻岁月,更让他们惊喜与期待的是他们还要一起对20年前三个人都疯狂热恋的系花玛雅做一次拜访……
  • based on the Russian classic novel. While maintaining all the main plot-lines of the novel, it follows the events not as they happen but as they are reflected in the mind of the dying hero. Thus make a chain of recollections about the life he had lived through, now seen as a series of irrevocable mistakes and interpret…
  • 黑暗生物的阴影渐渐从黑暗世界扩散延伸到了现实世界。它们又饿又冷,靠吞食人类的快乐、爱和生命为生。邪恶势力日渐壮大,同时,连接两个世界的传送门也接近崩溃。而起源者小队每天都在尽力维持着它脆弱的平衡,但即使是他们,也无法抵抗即将来临的大毁灭。只有真爱之力才能重塑平衡,拯救世界。
  • 经典苏联老电影《幸运先生》(1971)的remake