- Por volta de 1510, um navio português naufragou na região da Bahia. Deste naufrágio salvou-se Diogo Álvares, que foi amparado pelos índios Tupinambá. O tempo foi passando e o convívio com os índios estava ótimo. Adotado pelos índios, rec…
- Plot / SynopsisThis Hungarian rites-of-passage drama centers upon a boarding school student from a broken home. When he meets a lovely blonde student he is immediately smitten and the two strike up a romance. Trouble erupts when he sees her dancing with her ex-boyfriend and he is sure that she's cheating on him. The di…
- In 1917, director Major Luiz Thomaz Reis travels with his associate, Marshall Cândido Mariano Rondon through the Center-West and North of Brazil, being the official cinematographer of the expedition. "Ao Redor do Brasil" is a foo…