搜索 Dolenz

  • 一个带点小科幻又有点荒诞的浪漫爱情故事。配乐精彩,故事享受,回味无穷。
  • 当所有的年轻男孩满脑子想的都是「性」时,你要怎么保护自己的女儿呢?道格(汤尼丹萨 饰,电视影集「妙管家」)是一个标准爸爸,如今,他面对了每个爸爸的恶梦----- 吾家有女初长成 !Doug Simpson is an average father who has to deal with his teenage daughter's transformation into womanhood. …
  • 翘课天才
    Though based on the movie, the series was not a continuation of the film, rather, the series was set up to portray itself as being the "real life" situations after which the film was based. In the pilot episode, Ferris (Schlatter) refers to the film and expresses his displeasure at Matthew Broderick portrayin…
  • 这部极具风格的恐怖片,讲述一个非常阴森的吸血鬼故事。沉睡的吸血鬼札克,因为他位于教会地下室的巢穴淹水,使他不慎被唤醒。于此同时,两个突发奇想的女孩辛迪和露西,决定深夜到教会地窖去冒险,不幸的是,露西意外摔落,吸血鬼札克则趁机攻击辛迪,幸好露西逃过一劫。后来法兰克艾尔汀神父发现辛迪已变成吸血鬼,她的母亲也被她同化,他将此…