搜索 Domingues

  • 巴西纪录片讲述巴博萨三姐妹的悲惨往事,先天性盲人在社会中遇到的种种不幸和歧视。Three blind sisters, Regina, Maria and Conceicao, earn their living by singing in front of churches, in Brazil... They tell their amazing stories, full of drama, heartache, rape, po…
  • 甫成年的朱利歐告別鄉村來到里斯本討生活,無奈工作難尋,只能認份地跟著叔叔學做鞋匠。與年輕而命運相仿的管家伊爾達相戀後,對生存與生活的殘酷命題有了更深刻的體悟……葡萄牙新電影先驅,對當時經濟與社會提出最真摯也最具挑戰性的大膽詰問,有評論認為由此開端的電影浪潮,間接引發了終結獨裁的康乃馨革命。
  • 纪录片关于巴西足球天才 - 加林查. 63年柏林电影节金熊奖提名.Documentary about the most famous dribbler in Brazilian Soccer (some say in Soccer's history!) at the zenith of his career, showing classic scenes of 1958 and 1962 World Cup. Garrincha (1933-198…
  • A spectacular rise and a hard fall. So it can be resumed the life of Simonal. Phenomenon of popularity in the 1960s, Simonal saw his meteoric career fall apart when he was accused of collaborating with the dictatorship.
  • 电影生活
    本片是法国顶级摄影师Raoul Cotard的导演处女作,真实感人地记录了一对兄妹艰难的求生历程,谴责了炮火对和平生活的摧残。故事描述了一对年幼的越南兄妹,因父亲去打仗,母亲病故,结果成为孤儿,又遭别人欺诈勒索。他们逃往西贡,一路上经历了重重困难,终于平安到达西贡,妹妹得到诊所照顾,哥哥在矿场找到工作,父亲最终也回到西贡与他们相聚…