搜索 Donado

  • 获奖:2004年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节影评人费比西奖阿根廷草原上,住了个失业中年,一生劳碌的油站一声关门便前路茫茫,他替老妇修车,老妇给他送上白狗大B做回报。可大B原来是头纯种名犬,不只改写了新主人的孤独生活,还在狗展赢来季军,从此人狗同途乐也融融。但人心叵测,大B嗅出的危险主人懵然不知。
  • 18岁的维特老是幻想自己是风流潇洒的男子汉,实际上他却和哥哥、姊姊及严厉的祖母同住在纽约狭窄的公寓内,严密监视他的一举一动。当维特成为大众情人的公信力受到打击,他藉由与附近公认最性感的女人茱蒂约会来重振雄风,茱蒂起先不当他一回事,却渐渐被他的温柔攻势所打动。
  • In a not-so-distant future, a 90 year-old Nonna teaches a companion robot named TOTO how to make spaghetti, and how to take care of the family. The pair develop a friendship that is unfortunately impacted when a software update wipes not only the robot's memory, but also the irreplaceable experiences that define a conn…
  • Stark naked man comes out from the sea and begins to walk the streets, interfering in daily episodes, always in search of justice. He names himself Finis Hominis (The End of Man, in latin), and soon becomes sort of a modern Messiah, capable of performing miracles. An adulterous woman and a cheated husband are among his…
  • Rosângela Maldonado长期与巴西CULT片导演José Mojica Marins合作,是他影片的女主角。《让鸽子飞翔的女人》由她亲自编导演的超现实幻想片,据说CULT传奇程度与JODOROWSKY的《圣山》不相上下。
  • VR动画《黑暗之眼》宣布将由科林·法瑞尔任旁白,并发布预告,即将亮相本届圣丹斯电影节。讲述一个小女孩和一个僵尸男孩相爱,在丧尸被认为是不法之徒的世界里,两人的爱情超越了边界,来听法瑞尔讲述这个暗黑、冰冷,又暗含绚烂的故事,“彼时太阳厌恶人类的丑恶,躲了起来,再也不愿升起。”共3集,由2012年动画短片《Shave It》的联合导演J…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 格莱美奖得主&白金唱片组合,无伴奏人声合唱团Pentatonix 2015年北美巡演On My Way Home全记录
  • 我的鬼屋第一季
    Delve into the dark side of famous American folk tales, exposing the horror at the root of these enduring mysteries. In this two-hour special, we visit five Haunted Houses, including the Donnelly Farm in Lucan, Ontario, once the blood soaked site of a massacre. Here an Irish immigrant family was burned alive when fear …